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What is Pet Insurance?

Simply put, p et insurance is a policy that helps insureds deal with the expenses of veterinary bil ls.  This coverage can be compared to health insurance policies for humans.   Th is  polic y  provide s  both partial  and full  coverage of  costly vet visits. Such  a policy  can also help  ease the financial burden of  unfor e seen emergencies or annual vet check-ups.  A pet insurance policy can drastically reduce the out-of-pocket expense of a pet owner.    Just like with health insurance for humans, there is generally a deductible before the coverage of the policy begins.   Pet owners need to pay an annual or monthly premium.  Most carriers will set the premium payment based on the average cost of veterinary care in the pet owner’s area.  Other factors that can influence the cost of pet insurance includes the coverage offered, the kind of animal that is being insured,  th...

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